In an announcement made on Friday, the police of Umm Al Quwain began its night patrols of the streets of the emirate, it stated.
It also said that the initiative is “to have an inspection of residential neighbourhoods, area where expatriate workers congregate, workers’ accommodation areas, industrial zones, etc.”
The General Command of Umm Al Quwain Police uploaded a video on X that features patrol cars driving in the streets at night.
In March, the police in the umm al quwain news seized several vehicles used by the drivers who congregated at a certain area and started racing on the streets of the emirate. This bad behavior not only endangers only the motorists involved but also poses a major threat to other road users.
The police also urged all motorists and people using the roads to respect the laws and recommended all people driving should not engage in reckless conduct that may lead to traffic-related incidents.